E-mails, shared data and video conferencing

The largest cloud solutions Microsoft Office 365 or Google Gsuite bring modern means of communication for everyone from the smallest companies to multinational corporations.

The largest cloud solutions Microsoft Office 365 or Google Gsuite bring modern means of communication for everyone from the smallest companies to multinational corporations.

Everything depends on what your company needs – as part of the cloud you can use, for example:

Modern e-mail systems with mailboxes with capacity up to 100 GB, the possibility to share calendars or contacts.
Storage of files in the cloud will provide a number of new possibilities without the need to change work habits. This will give you the opportunity to work from anywhere, easily share files and allow multiple people to work with them, revert the files to their previous versions or restore them from back-up in the event of an accident. All this not only from a computer, but also from a mobile phone or a web interface.
Easy use of video meetings, which save time and resources and allow, for example, comfortable work from home.

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